Datorama : Case Study 1

This well-known US-based pharmaceutical company is a valuable client of a digital agency. They faced challenges integrating data from multiple OTT platforms. The data obtained from these platforms varies in format, posing difficulties in extraction and consolidation. This presents a significant obstacle in integrating custom platforms into their dashboard. The agency collaborated with us to develop a customized platform for this pharmaceutical brand to resolve these issues
- Integrated over six data sources along with a custom inventory/CRM platform +
- Developed Java code to extract inventory data, and published it via JSON APIs +
- Combined Ad performance data with inventory/CRM data for comprehensive analysis +
- Applied intricate filters to refine data analysis +
- Created custom dimensions and metrics using formulas
- Integration of multiple data sources provides a comprehensive view for better decision-making +
- Java code extraction and JSON API publishing streamline data accessibility and utilization +
- Blending ad performance with inventory/CRM data offers deeper insights for strategic planning +
- Implementation of complex filters and custom metrics allows tailored and detailed data analysis